SARMs- Everything You Need to Know

There are 2 major factors that contribute to a healthy lifestyle: routine exercise and a nutritious diet. Regardless of whatever your phase of life is, these factors are important to consider and look after. But sometimes, people are more passionate about their physique and always looking for ways to boost their muscle strength, especially athletes and bodybuilders.

To that end, one of the supplements that have gained major popularity over the past are SARMs. Among all the SARMs, Ostarine is the most popular one among athletes. Click here if you are looking for the best place to buy Ostarine mk-2866.

In this brief guide, we are going to discuss more about SARMs, how they work, and other related information.

SARMs – What are They?

SARMs ( Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) are man-made chemicals that mimic the function of androgen in the body, which is a male sex hormone. Usually, these supplements are consumed by athletes and bodybuilders to enhance their muscle strength and reduce the resting time after intense workouts.

Primarily, SARMs were manufactured to treat certain types of medical conditions. The chemicals used in the production of SARMs were helping people fight against certain health conditions that hugely impact bone and muscle health. These medical conditions include:

  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia
  • Prostate cancer
  • Alzheimer’s disease

Examples of SARMs

Supplements that contain SARMs are difficult to identify these days as currently, these medications are only available for research purposes. Some of them are available online which are:

  • S23
  • TT-701
  • Testolone (RAD-140)
  • Ostarine (Enobosarm, MK-2866,S22)
  • Ligandrol (LGD-4033)
  • LGD-3033
  • Andarine (GTx-007,S4)

How Do SARMs Work?

Unlike anabolic supplements and steroids, SARMs can target a single body androgen: skeletal muscles. The androgen receptors are found in different parts of the body like muscle tissue, liver, prostate gland, and bones. SARMs are capable of connecting to these receptors selectively.

After entering your body, SARMs connect to the bone cells and muscle tissues. Due to this selective action, the body does not face backlash from other organs that might be affected by SARM action. For instance, SARMs do not cause swelling in body parts that are not your target.

With the SARMs, there is no risk of excessive cell growth so the user is not at risk of diseases when using SARMs. The majority of the SARMs work the way testosterone works in the body. Once they link with the androgen receptors, they boost protein synthesis and overall muscle strength and performance.

SARMs vs. Steroids: What’s the Difference?

Though SARMs and steroids offer similar benefits, these two are different from each other. When compared to steroids, SARMs work in a completely different mechanism.

Thus, they are more beneficial as they do not cause side effects to other parts of the body. Though SARMs do have certain impacts on the body these impacts are milder such as a person might experience nausea, and suppressed hormone levels but all of them are much lesser than steroids.

Bottom Line

SARMs are the supplements that are usually consumed by sportsmen to boost their performance and strengthen their muscles. They attack androgen receptors, resulting in increased muscle mass and reducing the time required to recover from prolonged workout sessions. However, all the SARMs must be used after consulting with your healthcare provider and after analyzing the dosages properly.