Hypnotherapy – Is It as Effective as an Face to Face

I will outline a typical online hypnotherapy session in this post, along with some often asked questions regarding working online and if it is just as successful as working face-to-face.

Since the Coronavirus pandemic began, I have shifted to working online, and my outcomes are just as good as they were when I worked face-to-face. Customers have expressed their appreciation for the comfort of their own homes and the time it saves them.

The answer is, indeed.

Since I was hesitant to work online and resisted it for a long time, I’ll be honest and say that I did wonder whether I should make the switch. However, I’m so happy I did today. It has proven to be such a valuable asset in these trying times, ensuring that both my clients and many others who have been unable to leave the house owing to being clinically vulnerable, housebound, or shielding may still obtain the assistance they require.

It is equally as effective as working face-to-face, according to recent studies. According to results of a systematic review published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (Volume 14, No. 4), “e-therapy seems to be at least equivalent to face-to-face therapy.” I’ve provided some links for additional research at the end of the article.

Is hypnosis offered online secure?


The majority of individuals are familiar with how Hypnosis burnout treatment is presented in movies and television. Since this is not feasible, there is absolutely no risk that you will become hypnotized or that someone will take control of your thoughts. Keep in mind that’s for drama.

Nobody can be hypnotized into doing something that goes against their morals or will. You are the one in charge at all times, and if you didn’t agree with something, you would reject it.

Positive affirmations, re-framing, and other forms of therapeutic change are employed when in a trance for therapeutic purposes. Many times a day, you automatically enter a trance, which can be characterized by narrowed focus. Examples of these trances include being lost in a good book or movie, right before going to sleep, daydreaming, and driving a car and forgetting how you got there.

The sessions are conducted using Zoom, a dependable and safe platform.

What are the advantages of online hypnosis?

When life can be busy with work and family obligations, it is very convenient, easy to access, and saves you time.

Since you are at home in your own environment, staying there instead of traveling will make you feel even more at ease.

By avoiding driving or taking public transportation after the session, you can further amplify the effects of the relaxation.

There are no parking issues or clogged roads.

Because you are not putting yourself in danger face-to-face, you are safeguarded if you are housebound or clinically fragile, such as immunosuppressed.

If you want complete privacy, don’t let anyone see you enter the therapy room.

How is hypnotherapy conducted online?

The procedure for joining the video call is then automatically sent via a Zoom link. You can make the video call using a laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

The free appointment will offer you the chance to talk about your problem, to ask any questions, to learn how hypnotherapy could benefit you, and to determine whether I’m the ideal therapist for you.

When this is finished, I’ll be able to tell you with more certainty how many sessions are recommended for your specific problem.

In the first session, if you decide to continue with sessions, we will talk about your expectations, your goals, and other pertinent information. The methods employed would be inductions (mental relaxation to induce a state of trance), appropriate therapy (using a variety of methods to address the problems and effect good change), Transition to wakefulness (to jolt you out of your trance), and cognitive methods.

You will receive an audio recording (MP3) of your customized session for use at home, which you may play on your phone or other device. This will assist in reiterating the constructive advice and visualizations that we have used throughout the session. In order to help you effect change, there can be pertinent activities for you to complete in between sessions.

What do I need for a hypnosis session over the internet?

  • With a good camera and sound, a laptop, PC, or tablet.
  • Although many of my clients don’t use them, headphones are helpful and can help you tune out and concentrate.
  • a peaceful setting free from the disturbance of family, kids, or pets where you can unwind.
  • putting other gadgets off to avoid being bothered.

Can I get hypnosis online?

The most crucial aspect of therapy is full commitment; willpower is not necessary; all that is needed is a deliberate desire for change and the determination to pursue it while maintaining an open mind.

I will make sure that we maximize the best possibility of success by providing you with the necessary skills to reach your goals and change course if necessary. Hypnotherapy is not a miraculous cure, and there are no promises, as any other hypnotherapist would agree, as we are all different.

The secret is finding the proper therapist, and during the free appointment, you will have the opportunity to determine whether I am the correct fit for you and whether I can assist you with your specific problem.